Magic bag (top) and bag with clothes (bottom) |
I went to Saitama for New Years. My brother and his girlfriend came to Saitama (from Sweden) too, so we met up there. I was asked to do magic when I was there, so half of my bags where just magic props.
I did three magic shows, one for my brother's girlfriend's younger brother who was only home for one day (the rest of the time he had to work), and two shows at a party where lots of friends and other guests also showed up, apart from the family living in the house we were staying.
Some people had seen me do magic last year too, and some saw several (or all) of this years shows too, so I was running low on new material to show. Especially since there are some things you cannot fly with (fire magic stuff) or would prefer not to lug around when travelling (illusions).
Not my FRISK, but still funny |
Everything went fine, though. I produced lots of ball pens, did some card tricks, etc. One very popular trick was using a pack of FRISK breath mints, changing in size, changing the text on it, etc. Later, a girl showed up late and she had a tiny FRISK box attached to her phone, which was funny for everyone who had seen the FRISK magic, and which surprised me :-)
Some of the very popular rabbits. |
The most popular trick was using a bunch of sponge rabbits. Last year was the year of the rabbit, so it was quite fitting. Rabbits are easy to talk about in Japan too, since Japanese people have some interesting beliefs about rabbits. The rabbits were so popular so that people who had seen it last year wanted to see it again, and people who had seen it before dinner wanted to see it after dinner too, etc. So a rabbit encore was called for, and though I declined at first, everyone was VERY persistent, so in the end I gave in and did the trick once more (should prepare for this and pack a different ending to the trick too, next time...). It seemed that surprisingly enough, most people did still not catch on, and everyone were happy.