Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Another huge changing room

Today I did magic at a wedding at the JASMAC hotel here in Sapporo. Again, the bride and groom were very cute. I went around to all the tables, doing very short performances of magic at each of the 14 tables. Everyone seemed very happy with my magic, and some very young kids (3 years old?) sat with their mouths open in a very stereotypical look of surprise, which their parents thought was hilarious. Very cute.

I had a huge changing room all to myself, where I sat around waiting for over an hour before it was my turn to perform (they asked me to show up early but then the wedding schedule got a bit delayed). Lots of fun, and very nice people.



Monday, November 4, 2013

Movies shot with cell phones

My boss in our magic bars has recently begun putting up short clips of magic on his Facebook feed, calling them "Today's magic". This is a fun idea, and I have been asked to participate from time to time. I figure I might as well reuse the movies and put them on YouTube too. The first to clips starring me show me doing the baguette production and the Tenyo Ghost Cards. Two tricks that work extra well for the camera :-)

Since these are shot with someone's cell phone, the image quality is not that great, and it is very much not widescreen... But the magic is still pretty nice.

